Course Description
The Revised NTP MOP online course is an alternative to the traditional classroom type MOP training course. It is designed primarily for IT-literate physicians and nurses in DOTS facilities, with secondary targets as follows: IT-literate physicians and nurses from hospitals, private facilities and partner agencies who are involved or who will be involved in NTP implementation. Teaching and learning will be carried out in the Philippine TB eLearning Site at until the DOH assigns a suitable site for hosting it. The course is web-based and can be easily accessed by registered trainees using any laptop or desktop PC with access to the internet of at least 500kbps bandwidth. The course uses the open-source Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) adopted by many open universities worldwide and customized for distance learning on the NTP MOP.
The course is divided into 11 modules; the last 10 corresponds to the 10 chapters of the NTP MOP, 5 th ed. Around 24-32 hours of self-study (about 6-8 hours of study per week) over a period of 4 weeks are required for this course. Except for the scheduled live online group chats, trainees may schedule their own The eLearning Course on the NTP Manual of Procedures, 5 th Edition 3study time (e.g., in the morning, during breaks, at night, after office hours, on weekends), but within the prescribed course schedule. The Course Facilitator/s will provide guidance and an IT Specialist will be available for IT support.
Course facilitators, resource persons and trainees will be given usernames and initial passwords to access the course site. The study schedule, module study guides, learning activity guides and other references can be downloaded from the site. These will provide directions to trainees on how to proceed using the resources in the course site. Trainees are expected to go through the various learning activities and meet the course requirements within the specified period.
A. Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, trainees should be able to:
- discuss the policies and procedures in the NTP MOP, 5 th edition
- accomplish correctly all the recording and reporting forms
B. Course Materials
- Course guide
- Guide on how to navigate through the course site
- Study guides for Modules 1-11
- Learning activity guides
- Slide sets
- Tests and exercises
- Multimedia materials
- Supplementary reference materials
All course materials or links to materials are available and can be downloaded from the course site. The slide sets and exercises are the same materials used in the conventional training on the NTP MOP, 5 th ed.
C. Course Outline and Study Schedule
The course is designed to proceed in linear fashion, starting with the first module, based on a given schedule. Trainees must complete all the requirements in the preceding module before proceeding to the next. Any changes in the schedule are announced ahead of time. Fast learners can move on to the next module/s as soon as they finish with the previous one. For those who cannot keep up with the schedule, late submission of requirements is allowed, but they must stay within one week of the course schedule. All requirements must be completed before the scheduled post-test. Trainees who wish to proceed on a faster pace, and those who will be delayed for valid reasons, need to inform the Course Facilitator/s so adjustments can be made in the schedule, when possible.
The actual four-week course can be offered quarterly or bi-annually.